What is Reflexology?

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An ancient alternative medicine

Reflexology is a manual therapy and an ancient medicine. It restores the natural balance of the body and brings well-being, both physically and emotionally. It has been used in ancient civilizations for thousands of years to treat a number of conditions, and maintain an overall state of good health and well-being. It is a powerful technique to maintain or restore balance, both emotionally and physically.

People receiving reflexology treatments on a regular basis also report a significant reduction in pains or symptoms when suffering from medical dysfunctions.

A sense of deep and lasting relaxation

Reflexology, a non-intrusive pressure point therapy, is a powerful healing tool. It is also a recognized preventive health care. This alternative medicine does not only treat symptoms but also addresses the causes of the dysfunction. Its benefits are numerous :

  • Provides deep and lasting relaxation
  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Restores the natural and physiological balance of our system

Reflexology can help to maintain or restore our natural physiological balance, hence encouraging the body into healing itself. It also improves well-being and vitality, both physically and emotionally.

Thanks to reflexology treatments, our metabolism soon recovers balance and harmony in the most natural way.

A mirror image of the body

Foot, hand and facial reflexology techniques follow the same principle. Reflexology, or “zone therapy”, is a natural pressure point technique based on the belief that every part, gland or organ of the body corresponds to a specific «reflex zone» on the feet or on the face. Through the application of pressure on these reflex zones with her fingers, the practitioner is able to identify tension or areas of dysfunction and restore the natural function of the related areas of the body.

By relieving tensions and restoring a natural flow of blood and lymphatic circulation, reflexology can naturally regulate everyone’s self-healing capacities.

Nathalie Morris offers reflexology sessions in the region of Saint-Louis (Haut-Rhin) and Basel (Switzerland) in three different addresses : Saint-Louis (beauty salon Hygia Santé) and Huningue (osteopath practice Charles Groell).

Foot, Facial or Hand reflexology : therapeutic and relaxing effects

These techniques provide deep relaxation thanks to the manipulation of acupressure points, which send direct messages to the neuroendocrine and muscular systems. They offer a natural way to help the body maintain well being and restore its metabolism.images-2

By stimulating reflex points on the feet and the ankles, foot reflexology is both a relaxing and stimulating type of natural treatment.

Through dynamic and rhythmic movements as well as soft and gentle manipulations, foot reflexology addresses many pathologies, including stress-related disorders. 

imgresFacial and skull Reflexology offers to alleviate tensions by working on key acupressure points on the scalp and the bones of the face. By stimulating precise areas and nerve endings, the reflexology practitioner is able to restore mobility and slight movement in the scalp. By doing so, the blood flow in the head is activated, consequently relieving nerves pressure in the head and the shoulders. These slow, soft and gentle pressures soon provide a sense of deep relaxation and restore optimal blood flow. A facial and skull reflexology treatment leaves facial muscles relaxed, the skin supple and the whole body enjoys well being and a renewed sense of energy.

Hand reflexology is particularly suited for anyone suffering from arthritis, pains and aches in hands and arms. Elderly people are keen on this method, and so are women suffering from swollen arms, following  a chemotherapy for example.

Back Reflex Massage

Thanks to repeated dynamic pressures on the back, Back Reflex massage offers a deep sense of relaxation while restoring balance in emotions. The sense of well-being comes at once.

Nathalie Morris offers reflexology sessions in the region of Saint-Louis (Haut-Rhin) and Basel (Switzerland) in three different addresses : Saint-Louis (beauty salon Hygia Santé) and Huningue (osteopath practice Charles Groell) .

Reflexology can work alongside conventional Western medicine. This non-intrusive complementary therapy does not offer a diagnosis, it does not prescribe any treatment and certainly does not substitute itself to a conventional medical treatment. In accordance with French law, reflexology can not be considered as medical care nor physiotherapy. It is a relaxation and well-being technique that helps release stress (Law dated 30.04.1946, decree 60669 of act I.489 and decree dated 8.10.1996). Since 17th July 2015, reflexology has been officially recognised in France (Official Bulletin 25th July 2015).